Sunday, June 08, 2008

I am now posting at My blog is "Waiting for Shlomo." Take a look.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

101 things about me . . .

1. I planned to be a professor of Communication
2. with a specialty in rhetorical analysis
3. and an emphasis in feminist and political studies
4. and also religious studies
5. I was very interested in the right wing conservative movement and fundamentalist Christianity.
6. I am neither.
7. I am Jewish and a liberal and a feminist
8. No one knows what rhetoric is.
9. It's hard to explain.
10. I decided to drop out of my Ph.D program before it even began.
11. I was working at the University of Denver, and the program would have been almost free.
12. It was the wrong program for me.
13. Turns out, a Ph.D was not right for me either.
14. I continued working in Higher Education administration instead.
15. I am an academic advisor.
16. I like working with students.
17. Turns out, a Master's Degree in Communication with an emphasis in Rhetorical Analysis is not good for much.
18. but it sounds really "smart"
19. My husband and I have some of the same cousins
20. but we are not related.
22. Even though we live in Arkansas.
23. I am his cousin's cousin, and he is MY cousin's cousin, but the cousins are the same.
24. Crazy, huh?
25. That's how we met.
26. He was on my "list" of people to call when I moved to Denver.
27. He's the only one on that list I called.
28. In the past, when he got phone calls like that, he never called them back.
29. He called me back.
30. We became fast friends.
31. A couple of months later we started dating.
32. I knew I would marry him from the beginning.
33. I have a 19 month old son named Isaac.
34. He was born 15 1/2 weeks premature -- this is called a micro-preemie
35. He weighed 1 pound and 10 ounces and was 14 1/2 inches long -- that's actually pretty long for a baby that early.
36. He was in the three different hospitals for a total of 99 days.
37. He's completely "normal" now
38. I never know what to tell people about his age.
39. His true age is 19 months.
40. His adjusted age (when he should have been born) is 16 1/2 months.
41. For a long time, I tried to explain it.
42. Now, I usually say his adjusted age.
43. At some point, he will "catch up" to his real age.
44. Most of the time, I can't remember either of his "ages"
45. It's wonderful not to worry about him all of the time anymore.
46. I was completely prepared to have a special needs child.
47. I thought he would have cerebral palsy, hearing loss, eye problems, other physical problems, or something
48. It's quite an adjustment just to have a "normal" kid.
49. I'm so glad, but it's a change in mind set.
50. I want to have more children
51. but I don't know which avenue to pursue.
52. I have been advised to not have another pregnancy.
53. We are considering surrogacy and adoption.
54. Honestly, we are not that keen on either one.
55. We are not hung up on having a biological or a non-biological child -- we don't really care about that part
56. We don't look forward to the challenges of finding a child outside of the "normal" means.
57. I will write more about that later.
58. I am an avid reader.
59. I have been a voracious reader since the third grade.
60. I wish I had kept a reading journal for my whole life
61. I have started a reading journal several times, but have never kept it up
62. Sometimes I read two books per week
63. Sometimes it takes me a month to read even one book.
64. I mostly like fiction, but I have been into memoirs lately.
65. I like literary fiction, but some soft, "candy" fiction too
66. I'm a sucker for time travel, dsytopias, and light sci-fi.
67. I hate to have to come up with a favorite movie or book.
68. There are just too many choices.
69. Plus, I hate to get pigeon-holed into a particular category based on my answer.
70. Yes, I am self conscious to a fault.
71. But one of my favorite books is "The Sparrow" by Mary Doria Russell.
72. It's light science fiction, a dash of religion, and great literary fiction all in one.
73. It's actually quite a profound and amazing book -- it makes you question the meaning of life, the existence of God, religion versus morality . . .
74. You should read it.
75. It's not a "light" read, but well worth it.
76. The follow-up, "Children of God" is not as good, but still worth a read.
77. Another of my favorite books, I'm ashamed to admit, is Stephen King's "The Stand".
78. I told you I was a sucker for dystopian-type fiction.
79. Shut up, it's a good book!
80. I am infertile.
81. I tried to get pregnant for a very long time, but nothing worked.
82. Finally, I got pregnant through IVF.
83. It was hard, but worth it.
84. IVF worked for us on the first time.
85. I did not expect it to.
86. We now have 12 frozen embryos.
87. That's why we are considering surrogacy.
88. We want to do something with those embryos
89. Either use them for a pregnancy, donate to another couple or donate to research.
90. I believe in stem-cell research.
91. I am an environmentalist
92. I try to protect the earth and my own body by the little choices I make each day, but I still use disposable diapers -- I will try for cloth with the next baby.
93. I drive a small SUV
94. It gets he same gas mileage as a V-6 Camry, but I still have a chip on my shoulder about it
95. We eat almost all organic, and our grocery bill is obscene
96. I think it's worth it
97. We recycle everything and try to buy in bulk.
98. I thought it would be hard to write 101 things about me
99. but I could keep writing if I had too
100. I'm afraid everyone will be super bored by my blog
101. but I guess I will post it anyway.